Meet Thom Healy, Programmer
Thom is the host of The Concert Music Safari which airs Thursdays from 2-4pm.
How did you first get involved with Royalton Community Radio?
Someone placed an announcement in the area listserv, looking for someone with classical or jazz knowledge
What’s your role at the station, and what do you love most about it?
Being a volunteer programmer I can challenge myself to be more creative and exploratory within a 700-years-long history of the classical genre.
How has being part of RCR impacted you or your connection to the community?
I very much like feeling part of the RCR family, knowing how committed the surrounding area and its residents are to our mission.
Any fun behind-the-scenes stories from your time on air?
Meeting the cool girl whose show airs after mine. That’s been pretty fun.
If you could describe RCR in three words, what would they be?
Passion. Progressive. Positively.