Meet Gene Cassidy, Programmer

Gene is the host of All Vermont Music which airs Tuesdays from 7-10am and

cohost of WordStream which airs Tuesdays 10-11am.


How did you first get involved with Royalton Community Radio?

Thom Healy, who does Concert Music Safari got me involved with RCR. I was thrilled by his show and he said, “Y’know, you could do one if you want.”


What’s your role at the station, and what do you love most about it?

My role is host and right now I most love getting better (I hope) at using the tools RCR provides; right now, WordStream! and as I get more involved, meeting and getting to know the other programmers!


How has being part of RCR impacted you or your connection to the community?

It gives me reason to live. Hey! I work in a grocery store. Volunteering on the radio is muuuch more fun and fulfilling. I meet (or reacquaint myself with) lots of people I wouldn’t otherwise know.


Any fun behind-the-scenes stories from your time on air?

I don’t know if ‘fun’ is the word but I put in my earbuds once and my laptop bluetooth (as well as the phone I was trying to connect to) was on and this ungodly electronic screech went out over the air and I thought, ‘Won’t do that again.’


If you could describe RCR in three words, what would they be?

Short Sharp Shocked. (That was the first thing that came to mind and I promised myself I’d go with it.)