Green Zine Program Links and Info
3/6 Show Info
Bird Note:
Guest: Bella O’Connor with a VLS background will fill us in on Geothermal Networks bing promoted by a 350VT nodes, advantages, they are big, and where to implement geothermal networks in Vermont.
Vermont Community Thermal Energy Network:
Bethel University including Bella O’Conner’s talk on CAFOS:
Upcoming events:Understanding and Responding to the State and Federal Attacks on Climate Webinar, Friday, March 7, noon: When environmental policies are under siege both nationally and in Vermont, it’s more important than ever to stand up and speak out! President Trump is doubling down on fossil fuels, jeopardizing the need for clean and affordable energy in Vermont. Meanwhile, Governor Phil Scott is preparing to roll back our long-standing, hard-fought commitments to protect our people and planet. If you’ve been looking for a way to learn more and get involved, this is your opportunity! Please register here. Co-hosted by several statewide climate organizations including 350VT.
If humans can enter is it still wilderness: read Kristina Stykos’ musings
2/27 Show Info
Bird note:
Last night during Senator Sanders’ call-a-thong Becca Balint offered a great piece of advice: “In this chaotic time chose some one thing you have a passion about and do your best to move it forward.”
Guest: David Johnson of NM state university who with his wife, Hui-Chun Su, have created a way of home brewing a fungal rich inoculant. David has gone on to do many field trials under varying conditions creating a statically significant productivity report of adapting this inoculant. This enhanced kind of farming can draw down so much carbon so as to offset all of our current emissions. A great step in reversing climate change.
Jim Stiles presented at Vermont’s recent NOFA conference his minni fungal composter:
Setting up a Johnson-Su Compost Mini-Reactor
The best way to get a new Johnson-Su mini-reactor up and composting is to understand how to make the biology in the reactor happy. In vermicompost, if the worms are happy, everything else will probably be happy too.
Compost should be:
Well-aerated – Anaerobic compost smells REALLY bad. If you get even a whiff of a really nasty smell it could be too late to save a reactor. To prevent such problems, make sure that air can get to every corner of a reactor’s biomass. One rule of thumb is that no corner of a reactor should be more than 12” from fresh air. Fabric pots make this easy, but 5 gallon buckets can work fine – just drill a bunch of holes in them, including holes to allow them to drain freely. Do NOT seal up the top of the compost bucket (although a loose fabric cover is no problem, and helps keep the light out. Even an impervious lid is OK as long as it is fitted loosely).
As long as your compost container is good, the other most likely sources of aeration problems are:
– standing water. There should never be standing water within the compost: it limits access to air. Compost should never be sodden. You may get away with it, but at best, it’s risky.
– too much ‘green’ matter. Compost requires a good balance of ‘brown’ and ‘green’ material. Vermicompost is more forgiving than conventional compost, but still, pay close attention to the balance.
Wet – Compost should be between 60 and 70% water by weight. If you grab a handful and squeeze it, water should seep out between your fingers. If it is wetter than that, it is in danger of going anaerobic. If it gets much drier the biology slows down, and once it gets to 50%, the ecosystem starts to change.
Everything that goes into a reactor should be very wet BEFORE it is added. This is easily accomplished by soaking feedstocks in water. For most feedstocks mixing thoroughly with water and letting it soak for between 10 minutes and an hour is fine, although some feedstocks that are slow to soak up water could take longer.
As long as a reactor has reasonably good drainage, its compost won’t normally get too wet – extra water will naturally drain off. Ideally a reactor should be watered every day. The best way to figure out how much is enough is to very slowly water it until water starts to seep out of the drains. Then in the future water it about 10% less than that (as long as you are watering frequently).
Warm – Ordinary room temperature is fine for vermicomposting.
Red wigglers will tolerate somewhat hot (although basically normal) temperatures. However they don’t like to be chilly – if you are chilly, they are probably unhappy.
European earthworms will tolerate chillier temperatures than red wigglers, but will suffer from heat before wigglers do.
Dark – Worms don’t like light. They can tolerate very dim light, but are just fine in complete darkness. Brief exposure to light won’t hurt them – they will quickly hide. However frequent or extended exposure to light can make them unhealthy.
Static – minimize disturbance of the compost since digging or other disturbance damages the ecosystem – especially the fungal populations (which are crucially important).
Acquire enough shredded leaves to fill the containers to be used. If possible, shred them (for example, run a lawn mower over them until the leaves are all cut up). The leaves will wind up being fairly tightly packed after being wetted and settling. When acquiring leaves, it is probably best to err on the side of having too many since they tend to be useful to have around.
Acquire enough pumpkins to mix with the leaves in the buckets. The mix of the two in the buckets may vary, although somewhere between 10% and 25% pumpkin by volume should be workable. This ratio is a good thing to experiment with.
Leaves are all you actually need to make Johnson-Su compost, but worms love cucurbit vegetables generally and pumpkins (and melons) specifically. Including pumpkin in the mix should increase the initial growth rate of worm populations.
Drill holes in impervious containers (such as buckets) to encourage aeration and allow for drainage. Hole sizes are not especially critical, but 1” holes seem to work reasonably well. Hole size and spacing are more variables to experiment with.
Take well-soaked feedstocks (see above) and transfer a base layer into the container. Then alternate with layers of pumpkin until the reactor bucket is full.
Worms (approximately 1 lb per 5 gallon bucket, presumably red wigglers) can be added at any time in the first few weeks. They will quickly find the pumpkin.
Water daily (if possible). Keep track of how much water is needed to create tiny amounts of leachate. Adjust watering amounts as needed (requirements will vary with seasons, etc). An automated watering system is nice to have to keep watering regular.
Be prepared for leachate (water that passes through the compost and leaks out the holes at the bottom). Leachate contains valuable nutrients and biology, and when fresh it is benign. However if it accumulates it can go anaerobic: If it smells bad, dump it out. Also note that leachate can stain other materials and cause rotting or other damage if not managed.
And remember: Aerated, wet, warm, dark and static.
More feedstock can be added at any time, but the fresh feedstock may not finish composting by the time the initial feedstock charge is done and ready for use.
Some organic materials are bad for use in vermicompost. Meat, eggs and similar materials are bad, as is citrus. If you stick with dry deciduous leaves and curcurbit vegetables, you should be fine. Many other feedstocks can also be used. For more information check with more complete sources (I like The Worm Farmer’s Handbook: Mid- to Large-Scale Vermicomposting for Farms, Businesses, Municipalities, Schools, and Institutions by Rhonda Sherman).
When your mini-reactor is actively working, the volume of the feedstock will decrease, eventually reaching approximate ½ of the original volume. This should take approximately a year (as long as you maintain good conditions for the compost). Less mature compost can still be used in the garden,
although it will be less effective than fully-mature compost (where all of the available food has been consumed and the biology has gone dormant).
To extract worms from mature compost, place pumpkin or other particularly desirable feedstock on top of the reactor. Worms will migrate up and within a few days will be actively eating it. You can harvest these worms (just carefully scoop them up) and transfer them to another mini-reactor to get it going or speed it up. Desirable feedstocks like pumpkin will be quickly consumed, and the castings they generate will increase the total volume. They tend to be fully composted quicker than leaves or other other less-easily composted feedstocks.
Before harvesting a reactor’s compost for use in the garden, harvest as many worms as you can. If you don’t, they will lay eggs that will remain dormant until food becomes available. Better to use them to start new reactors (instead of buying more worms).
Mature Johnson-Su compost can be stored for multiple years as long as it is kept moist and protected from other extreme conditions.
Johnson-Su compost’s greatest value is as a soil inoculant, not a fertilizer. Therefore application rates can be very low compared to ordinary compost. Good results with good JS compost can be achieved using 2 lb per acre (instead of the ton or two per acre required with regular compost). Applying it to seeds immediately prior to planting is ideal. Thoroughly wetting the seed and possibly the soil surrounding the seed using a mix of water and compost (diluted to the point where the water looks dirty – about 1 lb compost to 10 gallons of water) should be sufficient for good results. Heavier applications and/or application to sprouted plants (to the soil, leaves or both) will be beneficial, but will require more compost.
References to David’s work:
David C. Johnson Ph.D.
Research Scientist,
Molecular Biologist
Scientific American Article
Adaptive Multi Paddock Grazing Manuscript, AMP
P.O. Box 1162
Mesilla, NM 88046
2/20 Show Info
2/13 Show Info
Lindsey Brand (she/her)
Marketing and Communications Director
Northeast Organic Farming Association – VT
PO Box 697, Richmond, VT 05477
2/6 Show Info
Bird Note:
Guest: Lauren Sherman, Executive director of the Vermont Natural Resources Council. The taking away of climate data and programs that we paid for and tell us what is happening to climate affecting agricultural production… one of many suppressions of information and data forecasting. The legal push back, chaos and what to do.
1/30 Show Info
Bird Note:
1/23 Show Info
Level 1 is a 120V extension cord charging ~12 A -1,500 Watts until battery is full. Say 0-100% 2 days.
Level 2 Plugs into a 240V drier outlet. Max amps likely 45 or less but can be set or vehicle will determine the max. This also charges until full at a constant rate. Say 8 hours.
Level 3 or fast charger is
Level 1 is a 120V extension cord charging ~12A -1,500 Watts until battery is full. Say 0-100% 2 days.
Level 2 Plugs into a 240V dryer outlet. Max amps likely 45 or less but can be set or vehicle will determine the max. This also charges until full at a constant rate. Say 8 hours.
Level 3 or fast charger is 350 V direct current. Batteries protect them selves by charging at faster rate up to mid charge and then backing down some followed by a further slowing at around 80%. the last 20% can take more time than the first 80%. Vehicles fast charge at different ratios and fast chargers have different max outputs.. 0-80% In 8-50 minutes. These are mostly for road trips.
V direct current. Batteries protect themselves by charging at faster rate up to mid charge and then backing down some followed by a further slowing at around 80%. the last 20% can take more time than the first 80%. Vehicles fast charge at different ratios and fast chargers have different max outputs.. 0-80% In 8-50 minutes. These are mostly for road trips.
Blog on tripping in the Kia Niro EV:
1/16 Show Info
We are stardust created in the formation of Black holes: One of several on the subject.
Understanding the importance of stardust: the periodic table:
Bird Note: https://www.birdnote.
From the Post Carbon Institute:
Dear Henry,
I have felt a surge of sadness this past week while tracking the devastating wildfires in Los Angeles. I feel for all the people dealing with burned homes, health impacts, and loss of life among friends and family. I’m rooting for the firefighters to stay safe while battling the blazes – the images from the fires are frightening and hard to take. Although I don’t have unrealistic expectations, I am hoping that this moment can bring a positive change. Namely, that people, especially those in powerful positions, will start treating the climate emergency like a frickin’ EMERGENCY! This episode of the Crazy Town podcast was recorded a few months before the southern California conflagration, but it addresses the need to take climate change much more seriously.
Episode 96 – The Frequent Flyer Tree: Losing the Last Bit of Sense in the Climate Emergency
Guest, Aaron Weed, Ph.D.: “Bird Monitoring in our National Parks”
Dawn Chorus:
Northeast Temperate Network
National Park Service
54 Elm Street
Woodstock, VT 05091
Office: 802-457-3368 x237
Cell: 802-359-3896
Want to recon your emissions and manke commensurate donations to those curing the climate emergency? Calculator:
1/9/25 Show Info
if you haven’t yet contacted Vermont’s congressional delegation to ask for their help canceling the Telephone Gap project, please do so:
- Representative Balint: Use this contact form or call (202) 225-4115
- Senator Sanders: Use this contact form or call (202) 224-5141
- Senator Welch: Use this contact form or call (202) 224-4242
Thanks and hope to see you on the 11th!
1/2/25 Show Info
- The International Energy Agency says the world will reach peak oil in 2030.
- Ukraine shuts off the Russian gas line. CO2 emissions from 5 million US cars.
- Gas distribution pipes can be transformed into heat sinks for highly efficient ground source heat pumps. Listen to lates Volts podcast for the details: https://www.volts.
wtf/p/thermal-energy-networks- are-the-next?utm_source= podcast-email%2Csubstack& publication_id=193024&post_id= 152878898&utm_campaign=email- play-on-substack&utm_medium= email&r=7nldv&triedRedirect= true -
12/28 Show Info
The Truth About Immigration
Why Successful Societies Welcome Newcomers
Author: Zeke Hernandez
12/19 Show Info
- 2/3 of the earth’s land is turning into desert.
- Our mismanagement of livestock is the major cause.
- Removing animals from the land makes the problem worse.
- Holistic grazing- regenerative grazing- mob stocking are all names for grazing systems that make the problem better.
- If 1/2 of all the desertifying lands which are only suitable only for livestock food production were to be holistically grazed we would return greenhouse gas levels to preindustrial levels when the climate was hospitable.
His Ted talk:
12/12 Show Info
Bird note: (skip to 29 sec, fund raising)
Christmas Bird Count Dec 14-Jan5
Randolph Area
Dec. 16, 2024 Contact: Brian Lowe –
Note from compiler: Will take on new participants
Dec. 16, 2024
Contact: Sean Beckett –
Sponsor Organization: North Branch Nature Center
Note from compiler: Plainfield, VT count centers on Goddard College in Plainfield. Routes are assigned in advance by email. At the end of daylight, we meet to tally results and share a potluck at the North Branch Nature Center in Montpelier.
Guest: Tim Duclos of the Audubon society who worked together with the Vermont Natural Resources Committee (VNRC) and others to change the management of The Green Mountain forest’s Telephone Gap with climate and biodiversity calling the shots.
Great Book: A FOREST JOURNEY, The role of Trees in the Fate of Civilization by John Perlin
12/5 Show Info
Bird Note:
Our guest Chris Leister – Electric vehicle owner – early adopter
Follow on from Democracy Now climate driving up risk-cost:
Martial Ganz
11/28 Show Info
VT Digger coverage of forest management in Vermont_ loggers, carbon sequestration, history of management.
Seven days coverage of Governor Scott’s backing away from the state meeting our emissions goals and the ensuing pushback.
NY times piece on automakers requesting that Trump keep EV mandates inplace
Green energy times- California will offer refunds on EVs if Trump removes the tax credits. Tesla will not get them.. Maybe a bit of pressure on the Trump to keep the federal tax credits(:-
11/21 Show Info
Bird Note:
Guest: Thomas Hand of MHG solar DYI solar
Wiring Notes:
- Volts times Amps = Watts So
- Amps = Watts divided by Volts
- Wire size is set by Amps not Watts
- When you are using more than one panel, wire them in series, plus to minus. It will increase voltage not amps so wire size does not need to be increased.
- The charge controller has a maximum voltage so do not daisy chain so many panels you exceed that rating. You can put two daisy chains in parallel + to + and – to – to accommodate more panels.
- Direct current requires a different kind of switch than alternating current. You must have a master disconnect switch.
- DC can kill just like AC so get help for final hookup.
Additional Resources from Thomas:
- Ground Mount: Powerfield tubs. Doesn’t get any easier. https://www. - Roof / wall mount: Iron Ridge. Plenty of options but their online design tools spits out a purchase order will all the pieces needed. https://www.ironridge.
- Rooftop requires rapid shut down. This adds at least ~35/panel. Solaredge / enphase are the most common.
- Ground mount – low cost string inverters. SMA is a good brand, Solis, many other chinese brands available. Generally speaking you want products that are available in volume. Volume lowers costs and make finding replacement parts easier in the future.
- PVwatts – will often overestimate production by about 5-10%.
- Offgrid is much harder to do. More upfront cost. Nov-March are difficult months for PV because there just isn’t much sunlight. Vertically mounted panels can help. PVwatts is a helpful tool for analysis, but remember that annual variation in sunlight can be substantial. Some tree rings are fat and some are very small. Assume at least 10% year to year variation and even larger on a month to month basis.
- Read the labels of the equipment. Internal panel wiring can be different from one panel to another. Typically you can put 9-12 panels on a 600vdc string. But you need to confirm this before ordering equipment. https://www. calculator - Assume $1/w for hardware as a goal. Keep the electrician costs low and you can have a very cost effective system with a 5-7 year payback.
More resources: In Texas but very heapfull:
Join- Get involved:
Sustainable Woodstock film festival:
11/14 Show Info
Bird Note:
Guest: Dan Kopin, Manager of Innovation at VELCO,Vermont Electricity Company, our grid distribution network provider
Also see VEPC, Vermont Economic Planning Council: who do much of the forward state planning. Has heavy influence from the governor. You can have input.
Volts Podcast: SunRun is moving to offer integrated house electrification including energy source, local storage and and balancing usage side.
11/7 Show Info
Bird note:
The trump win: see
Sing for forests:
Guest Dr William Moomaw, forestry professor emeritus Tufts, Ipcc climate council participant. The powerful roles of forests in sequestration and cooling.
Proforestration presentation, good visuals:
Sing together:
Interview only:
10/31 Show Info
10/24 Show info
Bird Note:
Guest Bob the Green Guy: What do we have to do to make things RIGHT?
2024 Annual Progress Report for Vermont
Get Involved: Help get out the vote in swing states.
Dear FridayAction Community
Anxious about Trump winning this election? Best cure for political anxiety is effective, collective political action!!!
Below are three specific things you can do to help Harris win the Presidency:
1) Volunteers who want to ballot cure in PA:
In order to cure ballots you need……
Some tech skills
To be a self-learner (watch videos, read manuals)
Do a 4-5 hour training
Commit to 10 hours/week to make calls calls
To Volunteer: Email Lilly Lombard
And in the email include your
Full name ______________
Email ______________
2) Help Boost Early Voting in Philly!
In order to cure ballots you need……
Come to Philadelphia for at least 3 days. (You will need to find your own lodging.)
Work two 2 to 3 hour shifts per day.
Be able to walk 3-5 miles per day.
Be comfortable using apps on your phone for canvassing data – we will train you!
To volunteer use the link below: tUX coH4 2v268
3) Phone Calls To Voters in PA
Use this link to sign up:
Be Well. Stay Strong.
Zoom Sessions: Wednesdays 8:00PM and Fridays 9:00AM
DIAL IN NUMBER: 929-205-6099
MEETING ID: 878 2004 3147
Copyright © 2024, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.
Our mailing address is:
74 Massasoit St
Northampton, MA 01060-2016
Add us to your address book
10/17 Show Info
10/10 Show Info
Bird note- Migration:
2 Guests: Dick Mccormack- retiring from legislative duties after almost 35 years,
& DR William Moomaw- Tufts. IPPC, forestry and personal zero carbon household.
10/3 Show Info
9/26 Show Info
Bird note: a note towards build community,
Guest: Jim Merkel author of the 2003 book radical simplicity and now of the film Saving Walden’s World. The film looks at 3 communities across the world that achieves a very light carbon footprint while attaining a much higher quality of life.
Solving Problems: Listen to latest Volts and hear about retrofitting city apartment buildings for heat pumps and using the brick fasade as a heat battery:
Get Involved: Zoom for next Thursday@ 12 & 6 – VT Cap and Invest:
9/19 Show Info
Bird Note:
Theme for today’s show: Keeping ecosystems thriving with a special focus on forests
2) forest management for climate instead of for money Dr William Moomaw’s 2021 presentation to Standing trees VT:
3) Gasification plant approval process for Lyndonville VT, a pilot project if successful to be replicated. Ask for a full permit evaluation from the PUC.
Getting out the vote:
40% of young voters will not vote for a candidate who does not have climate as a high priority:
Here is where to join with others to rite cards: In Wilder, Bob & Suzannah, CCL Vermont, contact
Hope to see you on September 21 at 9:30am!!
P.S. Later in the day on the 21st, another postcard writing party will be happening in Burlington; if that is a better location for you, let us know and we’ll put you in touch with the Burlington host.
Lastly Plastic Tips from Carol Langstaff:
What about making your own Halloween Costumes?
You can use cardboard boxes to make Robots, a Rubik cube, a Truck, or a Music Box for a ballerina to wear around her neck. I once made a turtle shell for my crawling son, he won first prize. link: 250 Best DIY Costumes ideas | diy costumes, costumes, diy halloween costumes
9/12 Show Info
9/5 Show info
Bird Note:
VPR What’s with the flooding? By Abigail Giles
A path to more heat and flood? Biomass to electricity plant being fast tracked: lots of question not even raised even though if this pilot project goes forward it will lead the way to wall street building many more. Want to weigh in? Call me now 603-667-8932
New EU airline emissions regulation to require emissions transparency, may show a doubling of their warming effect:,of%20carbon%20dioxide%20%28CO2%29%20they%20emit%20each%20year..
Burlington electric to install 200 EV chargers:
How to get those folks who rate climate as their top priority to actualy vote. You can help!
8/29 Show Info
8/22 Show Info
Bird note:
Home Energy: especially CO2 heat pumps role in taking advantage of time of day billing. Our clip is fromut The company is California based but expanding into New England
See the 8/8 GZ show for info on free assistance. and
Free, In-person, in South Strafford Vermont:
Saturday, August 24th, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM EDT.
All are welcome, but I will be tailoring the workshop for town and regional planning and governance, as well as those managing roads and public spaces: Selectboards, Planning Commissions, Conservation Commissions, Conservation Districts, Road Crews, Developers, Landscapers, etc. The workshop is free, and is sponsored by the White River Natural Resources Conservation District.
You can sign up here.
8/15 Show Info
Bird note:
Today we will focus on 2 things: First- “Don’t Burn Our Future” 350VT raley last saturday and upcoming zero footprint music fest in Barnard on Saturday. Ben Cogan organiser.
8/8 Show Info
- We now produce enough food to feed 9B people. We just waste 1/3 of it, some in the fields, some in storage and in the US musch of it in our fridge.
- Climate change is affecting production. It is not being fixed.
- His personal opinion is that we need to have “people” generate a simple climate movement to fix it. Ask yourself and acquaintances “How important do you think climate change is?” Unleashed human creativity will fix it.
8/1 Show Info
Upcoming events:
“The Future of Food and Farming”
Dr. Martin Frick, Director of the World Food Programme Global Office (Berlin)
Sign up here
7/25 Show info
Thoughts after viewing
Reductive – Holistic
Turning on genes through Complexity and Generational learning (epigenetics)
“Conventional agriculture grows plants with soil,
Regenerative agg grows soil with plants”
- Publish or perish required research with statistical significance. This drives us into reductionist thinking where we can’t see the woods for the trees. Look at this No-till on the Plains 2019 Christine Jones Community Tipping Points Here we see a research trial where only marginally better results are discovered under a controlled-reducionest trial and wildly successful results under “lets throw it all in and see what happens.” Diversity fires biological activity.
- In the Kempf presentation the launching subject is that seeds grown in healthy soil produce seeds in just one generation that produce far better results than the ones they came from. Epigenetics are at work turning on gene switches. No DNA has changed.
- John Kempf goes on to say that AI can unleash information from field trials that can guide holistic experimentation… It is coming soon. It will be a game changer.
More background thinking: “Interdependencies”, “Circular causality”, “biological wisdom” see:
Free access to COMMON GROUND movie online from Sustainable Woodstock only today and tomorrow.
Join a get out the vote action group,, there is activity in both the White river and Burlington area.
7/18 Show Info
Free on Saturday: COOLING
John Kempf presentation to the Bionutrient Food Association data for growing and evaluating nutrient dense food (Healthy)
7/11 Show Info
7/4 A break for Independence day
6/27 Show info:
Henry’s Summing it all up 6/27 for GZ
The world feels like it is in crisis and it is. It feels hopeless. We break down the problems and play whack a mole trying to fix them. We are losing the battle. We are slaves to the deductive process and it has its place but it is personally disempowering. Try to approach the world in an expansive way, a way that is building on itself. Embrace nature. It is the system that has made the earth a beautiful blue planet and supported its teaming life. Natural systems build on themselves. We should work with them, not conquer them.
I have been attending the Bionutrient association 16 session conference and joining others in the Vermont Healthy Soils Coalition discussing the state of affairs. Here are some of my takeaways:
Our food has less and less nutrients and this has many health consequences. Our farming practices are to blame. We are mining rather than enhancing soil.
Your tastebuds tell the truth. Compare the same food from 2 sources and choose the one that tastes better.
Our balance of Omega 6 to omega 3 should be no higher than 4:1. The current supermarket diet is 16:1. Fix the balance by eating green things and by eating meat and eggs from animals which have been eating green things instead of grain. Sprout that grain and it becomes a green thing.
Farmers are working with other farmers to find enhanced ways to improve soil health. These include adding to the diversity of soil life with inoculants made from animal manure complete with its gut biome, bacteria from compost and fungi from slow compost. As little as 2 gallons of a tea per acre made from these materials applied to seed can kickstart soil improvement. Larger amounts work as foliar spray.
Improved soil health grows food that tastes better, is better for your health, grows larger crops with far less inputs and no chemical additives and is good for the environment by increasing its resilience: flood- drought, polluting runoff, cooling the ground temperature. It is a building process, a holistic process and it bring personal empowerment
We have a fixation on carbon pollution when it is not the only thing we must focus on. The USDA, IPPC and even wall street are acting like it is the one and only. Consider the bionic pump. It is holistic and powerful. It drives cooling, reverse desertification and maybe even makes the wind. It is focused on forests but some of the same can be said of agricultural land if nature is worked with holistically. Look at the effort to practice regenerative agriculture and its product labeling.
6/20 Show info:
Guest: Judith D. Schwartz
AboutSchwartz is an author who tells stories to explore and illuminate …
Water in Plain SightWater does not perish, nor require millions of years to form as do …
The Reindeer ChroniclesThe Reindeer Chronicles: And Other Inspiring Stories of …
Cows Save the PlanetCows Save The Planet is a wonderfully comprehensive …
Recent Article we talked about:
6/13 Show info:
6/6 Show info: recommendations or questions:

Sen. Sears in Bennington County
Sen McCormack from Windsor County
Sen Julow from Grand Isle who is replacing Sen Mazza
Sen. Chittenden from Chittenden Southeast
Sen. Wrenner from Chittenden North
VPIRG link to contact your legislator:
5/30 Show info:
Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe:
5/23 Show info
Presentation #2 from the 11th Soil & Nutrition Conference
Ken Hamelton & John Umhau (past-NIH)
Our diet has moved away from a well balanced ratio of omega 6-3 to one very heavy on 6s and it is devastating to our health. Heart, allergies, and problems of the brain including: addiction, depression, autism and on are all affected and never were there before shifting to a high 6 diet.
Feedlot beef has as much as 15X more 6 than grass fed beef. It is the grain that does it but if we sprout or ferment before animal digestion then the 3s become highly dominant.
Also sprouted grains are strong on 3s for our own diet as is algae based foods and seafoods.
Chickens fed grain produce eggs and meat heavy in 6s. Feed sprouted grains and then they are then heavy on 3s.
Fast growing animals are tender and tasty. Feedlots do that well. Grass-legume-herb fed animals do not tend to grow as fast because the forage is slower to digest but if we ferment the forage especially with the right additives we can get to feedlot growth rates and produce a very tender tasty product even at a lower cost and having very high Omega 3s.
My quick overview of what I took away. Henry Swayze 5/21/’24
Guest at 11:35 Griffin Sinclair-Wingate “A Summer of Heat” direct action to starve big oil of money. On Line tonight at 7:30.
Audio teaser for joining the Climate Cabinet. getting the transition to renewable energy done. It is all about getting the right decision makers in the driver’s seat.
5/16 Show info To reach
5/9 Show info To reach

Decarbonizing trucking and also natural gas to electricity EPA new rules.
5/2 Show info To reach
4/25 Show info To reach us:
*Please join us next Thursday evening, May 2, at 6:00 p.m. for an online VPIRG member briefing on S.259, the Vermont Climate Superfund Act. |
This legislation, which will hold the largest fossil fuel companies accountable for a fair share of the climate crisis and reduce the costs that Vermonters pay, passed the Senate last month on a tri-partisan vote of 26-3. |
To: governorsofficecommunicati
4/18 Show info
Bird Note:
4/11 Show info Have comments email
Bird Note: https://www.birdnote.
4/4 show
All about Having Fun:
3/28 Show info
Blue Bird house build: 2 very important positive moves to reduce global emissions of GH gases
1) The work of methane sat.
First 14:15 of
2) Biden announced $6 Billion for reducing emissions from industrial production processes first 6:04 min of Volts/ we played part of this not the one above as intended. also interesting:
Yesterday’s 350Vermont’s electricity committee with our congressional reps staff for environmental affairs
3/21 Show info
Bird note: https://www.birdnote.
See the tool-program:
7 Days article affluent Vermonters suggest a 3% sercharge https://mail.
Renewable Energy Carbon absorbing building in Taipei Taiwan The annual carbon absorption reaches around 130 tons with green coverage at 246% https://amazingarchitecture.
Guest: Kevin Geiger of Two Rivers Ottauquechee Regional Commission; How floods happen and what’s to do?
Events: Bill Mckibben on line 3/26 4/5 Film produce of “Innodation”
3/14 Show info Bird note Two clips. then What is Imbodied Carbon from 3/5 And then: Converting vacant offices to apartments would be a win for the climate from 2/26 Gest: Tom Hughes of VPIRG to talk about climate legislation in crossover. Standing Trees VT telephone gapp. Register your complaint:
March 26 – Speaker Series – Bill McKibben, “In the hottest year, where do we stand? Notes from the climate fight”
3/7 Show info Nest Boxes Legislature at crossover: Electrifying your home, a plan: Rewire America website with lots of resources: One page document on planning: 2/29 Show info Birds- Diversity Eclips April 8 Guest: Environmental Defence Fund’s Doria Gordon. About this episode from Extinction rebellion radio: We can’t tackle the climate emergency without some level of government regulation. Those regulations don’t work unless they are enforced. But enforcement isn’t happening, not very widely anyway. To understand how and why environmental protections are not being enforced in both the U.S. and the U.K. we talk with Eleanor Godwin, the researcher who compiled and published this information. Audioport link: Run time: 25:00
2/22 Show Info Bird note Podcast from Didi Pershouse. How grass roots mentorship in India saved the environment, the farmers and the quality of food: 2/15 Show info Bird Note: * David Roberts fron Efficiency VT’s Drive electric will be our guest: * Hunter Lovins shows us rates of adoption of new technologies and lots more: * Also of interest Quick Charging in the Future: Events: Extinction Rebellion call for you to get involved: Our Open House on Saturday, February 24, 11 a.m. PT, 12 p.m. MT, 1 p.m. CT, 2 p.m. ET, is for you! Todays:
Register Here!
Today’s show:
2/8 Show Info House passes RES. on to the senate. to stay in the loup sign in here: Good article on House RES action: Our guest Debbie New, heat pumps and especially capturing waste heat with community networked and Ground Source Heat pumps. Lots of resources here: (Vermont Community Thermal Networks) 2/1/24 Show info Bird: Report, Together March and Rally for Justice Guest: VT Senator Becca White chair of the Vermont Climate Solutions Caucus Are we on track for meeting the Affordable Heat Act goals? Should the electricity providers be allowed to maintain a complete monopoly? How can the public gain a bigger say? Keeping community solar an option Legislation update?
1/25 Show info * *Owl calls: Bard, first track: https://www.
Rally and March for Justice: Saturday January 27, 2024 1-3pm
Meet at Montpelier City Hall – March to the Vermont Statehouse * Recycling EV batteries: * Tesla’s thin film PV:
Recording of show:
1/17 Show info Early Universe is not as expected. Web Telescope explorations are causing a rethink of the theory general of relativity.,black%20holes%20grew%20so%20rapidly.&text=A%20team%20of%20astronomers%20has,feasts%20upon%20its%20host%20galaxy. more anomalies Guest Jennifer Byrne, head of the White River Conservation district. Fill in the questionnaire 1/11 Show Info Ecosystems reign: Guest: “Skeeter”-Michael, permaculturalist extraordinaire of Tools for accelerating the process of regeneration. and Herbs: More of Skeeter’s confrences: A teaching guide of environmental songs: First Night groop environmental sing Port twsend WA 1/4/2024 show info Now is the Time to Act: plants cool the planet:
12/29 Show Info Book: Climate Optimism by Zahra Biabani Lots of ways we are overcoming especially in the courts. Words of advice for personal action from marine biologist Dr Ayana Elizabeth Johnson. Ask: 1) WHAT BRINGS YOU JOY? 2) WHAT ARE YOU GOOD AT? 3) WHAT WORK NEEDS DOING? Guest: Seth Itscan of telling of COPS 28
12/21 Show info Climate is teaching us “Change is Real”. Second major flood event, serious power outages as we come into winter seem a new normal. Lake Champlain is 101% above normal at 97′ with the all time record of 99.9′ in 2021. Guest: Sophie Howe: Dubbed “The Minister of the Future ” for Whales. Their 6 pillars test for making decisions: 12/14 Show info Cop 28 is short on teeth to turn the tide, we did get people talking and aspiring. See James Hansons state of climate: Guest Jason Hill of the VT Center for Ecostudies, The power of diversity in nature and citizen science. get your phone app here.
12/7 Show info Recent Communications from James Hanson
- December 7, 2023: “A Miracle Will Occur” Is Not Sensible Climate Policy
- November 10, 2023: How We Know that Global Warming is Accelerating and that the Goal of the Paris Agreement is Dead
- November 8, 2023: Global warming in the pipeline Oxford Open Climate Change, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2023, kgad008, published
Our Guest Jon Erickson of the Gund institute UVM on circular economy and Vermont Prosperity Project Additional info: Donut hole -circular economy Sophie Howe, director of Whales National Futures Program
Recording of this show:
11/30 Show info
On Thursday, November 30th, consider attending the public Q&A session on Bill H.59, an act relating to community resilience and biodiversity protection, from 4:30 – 5:30 on Zoom.
Register by going to
Here’s what to expect:
“We are collecting feedback from various stakeholders on several key questions to complete an inventory of current and possible conservation in Vermont:
· What are our values in creating the Conservation Plan? What is important to you to have in the 30×30 and 50×50 Conservation Plan?
· What kinds of land counts towards the goals? What kind of conservation practices or land protection counts towards the goals in the Act?
· How are we getting there? What are the practices, programs, methods we are currently using or could use to get to our goals?
· How do we improve equity? How equitable are existing land protection and conservation strategies and programs? How can we achieve more equity and access?
· What are the current and potential funding opportunities?. What are existing and potential funding sources that can be leveraged to accelerate conservation?”
Follow the link for more information:
Vermont Conservation Strategy Initiative | Vermont Housing & Conservation Board
11/16 Show info Bird Note: Astronomy: starts with beautiful pictures and moves on to such items as early galaxies are to mature, building blocks of life detected very early. Gest: Dan Kittredge head of The Bionutrient Food Association A deep dive into Food-Health-Climate. and and a 5 minuet animation to explain the cooling process that Walter Jenhe has championed and Dan Kittridge referd to: Recording of show: 11/9 show info Gest Paul Zabriskie weatherization and clean energy at Capstone community action offering free and low cost weatherization for medium and low income Vermonters. recording of show: 11/2 show info and $s for tightening up your house: Windows $600, Doors $500, Insolation 30% up to$1,200, energy audit $150 see: And more help for medium and low income Vermonters From the EPA: Guest: Targeting 100% renewable by 2030 Robin Chestnut Tanergerman: Fracking for geothermal electricity generation (NE probably the best location)
Events: Total energy News Clean Heat standard:We are delighted to announce that we will again be hosting the EAN Leveraging Change Speaker Series, which was a popular in-person event for EAN members before it was shut down by COVID. Restarting on November 2nd from 5-7pm in Montpelier, we plan to host these events approximately once per month to bring in speakers from our broader region who can help advance understanding of emerging opportunities to make breakthrough progress toward Vermont’s climate and energy commitments.
This new series starts close to home with a conversation about: Climate Resilience successes and opportunities. Our speakers will be Sue Minter, Executive Director of Capstone Community Action and Neale Lunderville, President & CEO of VGS, both of whom served as Chief Recovery Officers after Tropical Storm Irene. Peter Walke, Managing Director of Efficiency Vermont, will moderate the conversation. There will also be plenty of time for networking. Light food and non-alcoholic beverages will be supplied by Cafe Noa. Attendees are welcome to bring alcoholic beverages (BYOB).
10/26 Info Bat note: Explosive hurricane development: Our guest Kevin Bailey talking about solar and Solarfest happening this Saturday: Events and actions: Energy Action Network (EAN) Nov 2 5-7 Montpellier Leveraging Change Speaker Series. Climate Resilience successes and opportunities. Our speakers will be Sue Minter, Executive Director of Capstone Community Action and Neale Lunderville, President & CEO of VGS, both of whom served as Chief Recovery Officers after Tropical Storm Irene. Peter Walke, Managing Director of Efficiency Vermont, will moderate the conversation. There will also be plenty of time for networking. Light food and non-alcoholic beverages will be supplied by Cafe Noa. Attendees are welcome to bring alcoholic beverages (BYOB). Register to attend!
Thanks to everyone who attended the EAN Summit on September 28 and 29. The videos from the first day of the summit are now available on the EAN website. If you attended the summit, but have not yet had a chance to submit your evaluation, please share your feedback with us by the end of this week.
Vermont climate action network website: and programs of special interest from their newsletter:
10/19 Show Info
Words of wisdom:
Five Steps to Climate Sanity:
Beyond Both Despair and Hopium
- Stay abreast of climate science. Accept its difficult conclusions as the best understanding we have. Expect to be alarmed on a regular basis, inescapably. Learn.
- Accept also that both societies and natural systems are already fated to devastating developments. Terrible losses lie ahead. Almost everything will be changing. The future isn’t what it used to be. A great sadness is normal. Cry.
- Recognize that warnings about climate change and forceful proposals for national action to address the threats go back almost five decades. The failure to act over these years may be the greatest failure of civic responsibility in the history of the republic. Get mad.
- Appreciate that no matter how tearful the future, every fraction of a degree makes a difference. Every bit of warming we prevent is important. Learn well what must be done to head off future devastations, including both the immediate steps and the deep societal and economic transformations. Dream.
- Know that the fight for the future requires all of us, each bringing what we can to the effort. Find ways to get involved, seriously involved. Know too that in the end our efforts do not depend on our odds of success. We must act even in the face of hopelessness, warriors defending a sacred place, simply because it is the right thing to do,rebelling beyond hope because the human spirit tells us with insistence that what is unacceptable-all the suffering, all the loss, all the tears-must not be accepted. Fight.
Gus Speth
October 8,
Our guest: Nancy Mallory publisher of Green Energy Times.
Montpelier 5-7PM October 2nd:
BURNED free screening 10/12 Show links
- Researchers are discovering that listening to the soil can be a way to understand biodiversity belowground without having to overturn every bit of the land.
- Studies have shown that soils of restored forest areas have both more complex sounds and more critters than soils of degraded sites.
- Soils of intensively managed agricultural lands, also appear to be quieter, indicating that soil sounds could be a proxy for soil health.
- Some researchers are also using sounds to identify distinct species in the soil, which could open up lots of possibilities for both pest management and wildlife conservation.
Our guest: Peter Ehrlich recent diy heat pump installer. His guide: Citizens Climate Lobby is preparing to lobby Vermont legislators in DC on these subjects: Carbon Pricing, Healthy Forests, Clean Energy Permitting Reform, Building Electrification and Efficiency. You can join the CCL vermonters callWednesday night, October 18, we hope you’ll join us also for our Vermont monthly call at 7:30pm Eastern. (Note: the Vermont call usually lasts about an hour.) Here is the link to the call: https://citizensclimate.
And more from Humming Bird Films
SYMBIOTIC EARTH TRAILER (1.5 minutes)A film about Lynn Margulis, a scientific rebel who challenged entrenched theories of evolution to present a new narrative: life evolves through collaboration. More on the power of nature when there is diversity, the quarm effect: Christien Jones: And from yesterday’s news letter from the Bionutrient Food Association building on diversity: Any individual metric like local vs. grocery store, organic vs. not organic, this variety vs. that variety, does not seem to be a good identifier as to what the overall nutrient levels of a crop are. Our hypothesis is that overall system function of the soil, instead of claims like no-till or cover crop, is much more likely to be the dominant causal factor in determining the quality of crops produced. To Join the “NO to Fossil Fuels” bus toure and march in NYC on Sunday the 17th contact Maeve McCurdy (she/her)
Operations Manager
802-793-3270 9/6 Show links: VT 350 activities and Buss to NYC for climat day 8/31 Show info Carbon border adjustment in 60 seconds It is coming like it or not. Ted Halstead presenting an approach republicans could buy into including further info on climate border adjustment. Further in depth CBam info from CCL 40 minutes. Supporting farmers with flood relief, both giving and applying 8/24 Show info Saul Griffith on VOLT podcast Series of the IRA from NPR: Electric carreimberesments in Vermont: Tonight 5;30 – 6;30 green drinks 8/17 Show info our guest Andres Aulelet of Tunbridge. Solar Do It Yourself, reducing our consumption, living more comfortably. resource: James Hanson says [Political leaders at the United Nations COP (Conference of the Parties) meetings give the impression that progress is being made and it is still feasible to limit global warming to as little as 1.5°C. That is pure, unadulterated, hogwash, as exposed by minimal understanding of Fig. 6 here and Fig. 27 in reference 6. It is important that the remarkable observations that allowed construction of Fig. 6 are continued and improved – which is a greater challenge than governments may be aware of. Precise observations are needed from space and throughout the global ocean.] see: Join the march to end fossil fuel in NYC September 17th busses from VT by VT350 limited space so sign up now: 8/10 Show info Bird courses from Macaulay-Cornell Guest David Farnsworth. Regulatory Assistance Program, & Capture CO2 making sustainable building materials: 8/3 Show info Book A Forest Journey, The role of trees in the fate of civilization by John Perlin. Intro and endnotes of special interest.
Events: Hoodwinked: Missing the forest for the trees
Thu., August 10 at 7 PM, BALE Commons, South Royalton
Zack Porter Reservation HERE
Also Homo Naledi GUESTS: ‘s Ben Walch and Anna Seuberling, The Make Big Oil Pay campaign The NYT series Todd recommended: 7/27 show info We are in a climate crisis. Smoke Fire Flood and the creation of uninhabitable zones. 2023 Antarctic sea Ice is not forming on schedule. Aric mels is business as usual due to smoke shading. In 50 year 1/3 of the words population will be uninhabitable zones Make your home more energy efficient. Capstone may do it for free: Current rebates: Hold lawmakers accountable for what they say is what they do. Listen to 7/26 episode of Reveal exposing the feds Renewable energy Credit greenwashing: 7/20 Show info Doon of Green Mountain Bikes in Rochester will be our guest to talk about Electric Bikes. Hoodwinked in the Greenwashed mountains continues: also discussion circle next meeting 7/30 at 6:30 contact, Past programs are up on YouTub. See Kevin Jones presentation on our electricity: Also see what Canada did about a carbon tax: Citizens Climate Lobby has been working on US carbon tax for years and has good traction in Washington. see what the vermont team said about their recent trip to Washington. Come to the upper valley CCL gathering this Saturday in Wilder at 12:00. Contact me for details Join me on this Zoom call and hear how to spread the word on using the Inflation Reduction Act dollars to reduce our energy usage. Event Details What: Rewiring America & Abode Energy Management Webinar When: Monday, July 24th, 2-3pm EST. Where: https://us06web.zoom.
6/1/23 show Roger Hill Big picture weather-climate.
links: Steady State Economics