Upcoming Cabin Fever University Events This Week in South Strafford!
Upcoming Cabin Fever University Events This Week
*TUESDAY* Cabin Fever University presents MOTH MANIA (Just to clear up any confusion ~ this presentation is about MOTHS (ethereal nocturnal insects), NOT the Moth Radio Hour!) Presenter: Levi Smith When: Tuesday, March 25th, 7:00 pm Location: The Newton School, South Strafford Description: Come discover the magical world of moths that emerge after dark. Learn about common species of moths that can be found in Vermont, ways you can observe these species on your own, and how you can use the iNaturalist app to help identify species. Levi will also discuss light trapping devices which are useful in the study of moths. THERE'S NO CHARGE TO ATTEND Tea & cookies will be served! *THURSDAY* Cabin Fever University Travel Slide Show Series presents: KETCHIKAN TO KODIAK; BOATING THE ALASKAN COAST Presenter: Kent & Annie Penfield When: Thursday, March 27th, 7:00 pm Location: Newton School in South Strafford "Seeing solitude and adventure, we embarked on a 27 year old dream to visit the largest state for the first time, by boat, simply assuming we'd enjoy the journey." All slideshows are presented at the Newton School in South Strafford, Vermont. Be transported to amazing places all over the world. You don’t need to register - just show up. There is no cost to attend. Tea & cookies will be served! *SATURDAY* Workshop: FRESH FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS (There are only two spots left for this class. If you'd like to sign up you must do so by Thursday 3/27). Instructor: Lori Mikusa When: Saturday, March 29th, 12-2 pm Location: Barrett Hall, South Strafford Cost: $20 (includes cost of most materials) Bring: - pruners or sharp scissors - a vase or container to hold your masterpiece Description: Spark your passion for flowers! Lori will touch on the skills needed to select, prune, process, and arrange fresh flowers, resulting in a stunning centerpiece. You’ll get to take your arrangement home. YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER! To sign up, email: info@cabinfever.org We’ll send payment instructions. CABIN FEVER UNIVERSITY IS STRAFFORD'S INSTITUTE OF RANDOM LEARNING www.cabinfever.org