Meet Jim Rooney, Legend
Jim is the host of In It For The Long Run which airs Monday nights from 8-9pm.
About 10 years ago I ran into Todd Tyson at some musical event. He asked me if was aware of the station (I must admit I was not) and after a bit he asked me if I’d be interested in finding out more and if I might do a radio show built loosely around my life in music, performing, producing records, publishing songs and so on. My only radio experience was back when I was a student at Amherst College on WAMF where I did a show based on American music. (Americana hadn’t been invented yet!). Without too much hesitation I said, “Yes.” I had written a song “In It For The Long Run,” which was also the title of my memoir, so it was a no-brainer to call my program that.
As he does with every programmer, Todd invited me to come to Board meetings. I did, which gave me a chance to meet fellow programmers like Bill Murphy, Bob DiBartolo, Rebecca Beguin. After listening to their programs I was very impressed at the range and depth of the music being offered. I was being drawn into a wonderful musical community which is something I had been missing since relocating to Vermont after spending many years in Nashville.
In time I became a member of the Board. I had had previous experience as a member of the Newport Folk Foundation Board and the Folk Alliance Board. I felt that I could bring some of that experience to bear at Royalton Radio. I also had some experience keeping track of finances so I became the Treasurer for a few years, during which time I saw the station gradually increase its membership and support from community businesses, individuals and other non-profit organizations.
In addition to the strictly radio side I was also very happy to join in efforts to support many events taking place in our listening area such as The Sheep and Wool Festival, Jennybrook Bluegrass Festival, The Ranger bike event, our own Pedal, Power to the People bike event, Royalton Old Home Days, to name a few. During the course of the station’s 12 years I have seen it become an integral part of the community, always reaching out to inform people of events in the area and making people aware of needs in the community.
As well as being an important part of the community here, Royalton Radio has an on-line community which reaches into many states and several countries. We all regularly hear from them. It serves to remind me of how much people value the volunteer and personal aspect of what we do and how much they appreciate how each programmer brings their passion for music forward. I firmly believe that music is a healing and positive force in our lives that is needed now more than ever. It makes me proud to be a member of Royalton Community Radio. I would strongly urge anyone to join our family. I guarantee you’ll have fun!
In three words: Volunteer Community Radio